FC % Promo
What does it offer?
Unique software for analysis and evaluation of promotional activities, which automates the process and improves company's profitability.
What are the benefits of implementation?
- Saves time and resources for preparing profitability analysis of promotions (return on investment)
- Provides ready answers as to which kind of promotional activities are most profitable. In this way improving financial result of the company becomes possible.
- Offers ready analysis and easy conclusions as to profitability trends of past promotional activities.
- Makes restructuring or resourse re-allocation within the Marketing Department possible.
Who will benefit from it?
- Commercial & Distributor Companies
- Stores and Chain of stores
- Representative Offices
How is it offered?
The software is ordered on the basis of number of licences, which are permanent and thus, not time bount.
One license is valid for work on one PC or laptop.
How does it work?
The program operates on the basis of profitability analysis of past promotional activities while it takes into consideration the promotional uplift eventual canibalization of similar products during the promo period as well as eventual post-promo dip of sales after the promotional period.
The main criteria used for promotional success is Return on Investment.(ROI).
What does it require?
The software requires upload of historical data for sales and prices in predetermined file formats in excel and describing promotional activities and costs for each and every promotion. Updating and maintaining the database with time is necessary.
How to download a free trial version?
1Sign Up mentioning your company data (that will be needed for the Invoice)
2Sign In with your Username and Password.
3Click Downlowd Trial Version (It is possible that you encounter some difficulties if you have no administrator rights granted in your company or if the IT Manager has restricted your rights for programs download online. Ask him/her for help).
How to order a license?
1Sign In with your Username and Password.
2Fill in the desired number of licenses here and click "Send the order". (A Message with order number will appear. Please, write it down.)
3Settle the amount as per the received proforma invoice via bank transfer, making sure you quote the order number from step 2.
4Follow the instructions for program activation which you will receive by e-mail 1. order license activation 2. fill-in the activation code over the downloaded trial version.